Title: The Sounds of Persia
Musician: Shooresh (Kuhzad) Ranaei
Date: Tuesday, May 8th, 2018
Time: 7pm
Language: English
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In conjunction with our current exnibition The Blue Road: Mastercrafts from Persia, Liang Yi Museum is delighted to present The Sounds of Persia, a solo performance by Shooresh (Kuhzad) Ranaei. The concert will include four traditional Persian instruments - tanbur, daf, kamancheh and tar. Join us for an evening of unforgettable experience.
Part I
Tanbur: Khan Amiri, Sahari (dawn) and Savar pieces
Daf: Improvisation and familiarisation with daf
Kamancheh: Music of Lorestan and improvisation
- Interval of 15 minutes -
Part II
Tar: Pieces from the artist's new album: The Dance of the Drop
A duet with Erhu
Musician's Biography:
Born in 1986 in Kermanshah, Iran, Shooresh (Kuhzad) Ranaei was raised in a family of musicians - his father a prominent tanbur player and his mother a singer. He has received numerous national prizes, performed in various cities and released albums, including New Traditional Persian Sound in Japan. Ranaei moderated workshops in several Japanese universities and is currently the managing director of Deylaman Studio in Tehran, Iran.
The event is co-sponsored by Le Petit Prince Travels and Orientations magazine.