Title: Hidden Symbols of Love in Chinese Painting
Speaker: Chun-Yi Lee
Date: Tuesday, October 6th, 2015
Time: 7pm
Language: English
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Love - one of life's most essential experiences - has been explored in Western art from antiquity to the present day. However, this theme and its appearance in Chinese art, particularly literati
 painting, has gone largely unexplored. In “Hidden Symbols of Love in Chinese Painting”, co-presented by the Ink Society and Asian Art Hong Kong, noted ink painter Chun-Yi Lee will discuss a group of Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1912) period paintings, which capture the sadness, longing, nostalgia, fear and sexual yearning of love concealed within a visual language of metaphor and delicate imagery. Chun-Yi will also introduce his works and discuss his artistic methods.