Title: The Art of Enamelling: A Journey between West and East
Speaker: Bonnie Lau and Mathilde Rondouin
Date: Tuesday, October 6th, 2020
Time: 7pm
Language: English
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In collaboration with L'ÉCOLE Asia Pacific, School of Jewelry Arts supported by Van Cleef & Arpels, the October edition of Liang Yi Talks will delve into the rich history of enamel in jewellery-making.
Enamels have long been used as a substitute for coloured gemstones. From the archaeological findings in the Mediterranean regions to Byzantine treasures in Constantinople; from Limoges (France) to China, enamelled artefacts showcase how this particular craftsmanship travelled and developed around the world, becoming a global art form.
Bonnie Lau, a third-generation specialist in Chinese classical furniture, and currently director of Hon Ming Gallery will be presenting the talk with Mathilde Rondouin, an art historian specialising in the field of European decorative arts. She is a lecturer at L'ÉCOLE Asia Pacific, School of Jewelry Arts.